A hyperglossary is essentially a database of terms cross-indexed
to related and derived properties and presented on-screen as a
hypertext document. This page provides an opportunity to submit a
molecule in any of several supported formats. Programs and scripts in
the background will process this information, filling out any missing
fields (such as the molecular weight) and create an entry in the database.
To submit a molecule, determine the file type of the molecule and select
it on the form (default pdb type). Incorrect file types will prevent the molecule from being
submitted. Insert relevent information in the other boxes. Next,
open the molecule datafile in a text file editor
(e.g. Microsoft Word), highlight the whole text in the file and copy it
to the clipboard. Return to this page, insert the cursor in the final box and
paste the clipboard contents here. Press the submit button to enter the
molecule to the hyperglossary.
A 2D MDL molfile is one normally exported from drawing packages, such as
ChemDraw or ISIS Draw. These molecules will have the stereochemistry
represented by wedges and dashes rather than absolute atom positions as
defined by the other 3D molecular file types.