Crystallography meets DFT Quantum modelling.

March 17th, 2025

X-ray crystallography is the technique of using the diffraction of x-rays by the electrons in a molecule to determine the positions of all the atoms in that molecule. Quantum theory teaches us that the electrons are to be found in shells around the atomic nuclei. There are two broad types, the outermost shell (also called the valence shell) and all the inner or core shells. The density of the core electrons is much higher (more compact) than the more diffuse valence shell for all but the hydrogen atom, which only has valence electrons. How does this relate to x-ray diffraction by electrons? Well, core electrons, because of their relative compactness, diffract X-rays more strongly than the valence electrons. This compactness of the core also means that its electron density distribution can be well (but not exactly) approximated by a sphere, with the nucleus at the centre of that sphere. And from this it follows that the density for each atom can be treated independently, the so-called IAM or independent atom model. For example all the carbon atoms in a molecule are approximated as having the same value for the electron density of their core shell. But the IAM approximation is much less good for hydrogen atoms, especially when they are attached to very polar atoms (Li, O, F, etc) and even atoms such as carbon or oxygen have noticeable deviations as illustrated in  figure 1 below. [cite]10.1039/d0sc05526c[/cite]

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Finding and Discovery Aids as part of data availability statements for research articles.

February 19th, 2025

Starting around 2016, journal publishers started including mandatory “Data Availability” statements as part of research articles; a typical (dated) example is linked here, including guidelines for how to cite the data itself. I wrote about these aspects last year in a blog post for the RSC journal Digital Discovery[cite]10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-dz2dv[/cite] and here I follow up with more news.

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Au-pseudocarbyne – a unusual example of a twelve coordination by carbon.

February 1st, 2025

Derek Lowe tells the story of “carbyne”, a potential further allotrope of carbon, comprising linear chains of carbon atoms, C-C≡C-C≡C-C. Whether such a molecule can exist on its own has long been the the topic of speculation. Now a report has appeared of a “pseudocarbyne”, stabilised by gold atoms.[cite]10.1038/s41598-024-80359-5[/cite]

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Molecules of the Year 2024: Molecular shuttle in a box.

January 25th, 2025

This is another in the C&E News list of candidates for the Molecule of the Year, Molecular shuttle in a box [cite]10.1002/anie.202318829[/cite] Read the rest of this entry »

Molecules of the Year 2024: A crystal structure perspective on anti-Bredt olefins.

January 8th, 2025

Each year C&E News publishes a list of candidates for the Molecule of the Year. For 2024 the list is (in order of votes cast for each) Read the rest of this entry »

The secrets of FAIR Metadata: optimisation for Chemical Compounds.

December 11th, 2024

The idea of so-called FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data is that each object has an associated metadata record which serves to enable the four aspects of FAIR. Each such record is itself identified by a persistent identifier known as a DOI. The trick in producing useful FAIR data is defining what might be termed the “granularity” of data objects that generate the most readily findable and which most usefully enable the other three attributes of FAIR.

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Data Discovery: A pick-n-mix library of useful FAIR Data searches – and a call for new search suggestions.

November 25th, 2024

With AI and Machine learning needing data in abundance, interest in data discovery is intense. However, this type of discovery is somewhat different from more traditional data base searches, in that it is particularly suited for machine discovery as well as by humans. The discovery searches are conducted using an aggregated and federated metadata store, such as that curated by DataCite. How to construct a suitable search is however still not entirely human-friendly. The start point for understanding how to search is this resource: XML to JSON mappings and the XML referred to can be found here. [cite]10.14454/g8e5-6293[/cite] Since the learning curve to construct such data searches can be quite steep, I thought I would share as a library some recent searches I constructed for a talk I am giving. This post is essentially an extension and update of an earlier challenge I was set along these lines and which appeared here.[cite]10.1255/sew.2022.a10[/cite]

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Mechanism of the Masamune-Bergman reaction. Part 4. Why was the DFT energy barrier too high for the Calicheamicin reaction?

October 29th, 2024

Michael in a comment here on the mechanism of the Masamune-Bergman reaction notes that when it occurs as part of the Calicheamicin (an antibody-drug conjugate or ADC) version of this mechanism, a pre-step is first necessary. As discussed in this review article,[cite]10.3390/ph14050442[/cite] the trisulfide linkage is reduced and the resulting thiolate undergoes a facile 1,4-addition to the adjacent enone.

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A one-electron bond in methyl-λ1-borane.

October 9th, 2024

In exploring one-electron carbon-carbon bonds, I had noted previously[cite]10.59350/88k04-2×509[/cite] that both hexafluoroethane and ethane itself could each lose an electron to produce such species. A discussion developed in which a molecule isoelectronic with ethane, namely the methyl-λ1-borane radical (H3B-CH3) was proposed by Jacob. The optimised structure at the ωB97XD/6-31G(d) level exhibited a B-C bond length of 1.57Å, with two of the B-H hydrogens forming a a 3c-3e bond with boron and so a one-electron B-C bond was discounted. Here I take a closer look at this system.

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The one-electron carbon-carbon bond: Hexafluoroethane and ethane radical cations.

October 3rd, 2024

In the previous post, I looked[cite]10.59350/xp5a3-zsa24[/cite] at the recently reported[cite]10.1021/ja02261a002[/cite] hexa-arylethane containing a carbon-carbon one-electron bond, its structure having been determined by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The measured C-C bond length was ~2.9aÅ and my conclusion was that the C…C region represented more of a weak “interaction” than of a bond as such. How about a much simpler system, hexafluoroethane? Here, the two-electron C-F bonds are much lower in energy than the C-C bond, so when the molecule is ionised, it escapes from the C-C bond rather than any of the C-F bonds. The below is the structure computed at the ωB97XD/Def2-TZVPP level, revealing a much shorter C-C bond of 2.149Å. The computed C-C stretching vibrational frequency is 179 cm-1 (FAIR data DOI: [cite]10.14469/hpc/14642[/cite])

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